Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Garduation Photo Day

I cannot believe that it is already this time of the year....Kindergarten Graduation Photo Day! Gabby had to wear her hair down and then wanted to wear a dress. I let her wear her sparkly shoes...why not - it is supposed to be 90 degrees today (no exaggeration!).  Anyways....we got her hair done and she was ready to go. When I was snapping her photo, Lilly wanted in on the action. Lilly is doing better with potty training and has learned all but 4-5 of her letters. She is singing, talking, running, jumping and playing up a strorm. We have to remind ourselves that she is only 27 mos! We often treat her like she is 5.
One thing is for sure....she LOVES her pink tutu. I cannot get her out of this thing :)

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