We have created this blog for our loved ones so that they can follow the growth and development of our precious daughters, Gabriella, Lillian & Madeline. We hope that you enjoy it and please feel free to forward it to anyone that you feel may want to follow our lives. With Love, Kandiss & Gordon
Monday, April 28, 2014
Yesterday I took all three girls to CALM for a morning outing. We ran into our friends the Cuper's there by luck and it turned into a fun morning for the kids. We walked around the zoo and Lilly really enjoyed the snake building. We played on the playground and had snacks and had a wonderful time. We then went for a 2nd round at the snake house and the kids got to old a King snake! There are no pics of Maddy because she was on me the whole time - but she loved the outing as well and is getting so big! I can't believe that she is almost 1 - time has gone pretty fast. After the zoo, we had lunch and then hit the park for another playdate. The kids have had a fun weekend and mom is tired :) We all slept good last night!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
The Climber
Look who is climbing on everything! Ms. Maddy is teething and it is not fun. Tooth #5 finally popped through yesterday but there are several right behind it. She has not been eating well and that is always concerning to a mom - especially when your baby is on the lighter side! She is happy even with a diaper rash caused by teething so I guess she is OK :) She loves to climb and during dinner - wants what the big girls are eating... no special food for her! BUT...she doesn't have any teeth to chew with yet. She has taken to Pirate Booty. She is climbing onto anything she can and loves to play on the couch. She really likes to listen to stories when we read to the kids at night. She is starting to interact/play with Lilly more and it is fun to watch. Her sisters definetly make her smile. Hard to believe she is already 1....time goes faster and faster with each kid!
Easter at Grandmother Ann's
The girls did not have school on Monday and Ann wanted to have each of the older girls over one at a time so they could extend their Easter celebration. The pictures show what fun they had. Lilly is good at finding eggs and does not give them up once she has found them. I recall Gabby at that age and the joy kids get from hunting eggs. We have had a few tough evening because they have been playing with the eggs in the back yard and making egg hunts for mom and dad but Lilly doesn't understand that the eggs are not for her and Gabby then gets upset. Finally I tool the eggs away last night - I couldn't take it anymore!
Monday, April 21, 2014
Happy Easter
We had a very full and very happy Easter weekend. On Saturday we went down to Orange County to see my sister and her kids. We had such a fun and relaxing afternoon hanging at the pool, have a yummy ham lunch and then off to the Mariners Church Egg Hunt. The weather was perfect, company was enjoyable and memories will last forever. Gabby had a blast hanging with cousin Katrina in the pool and using her mermaid power. Lilly just ran between the kids pool and the jacuzzi. Maddy hung on the blanket in the shade. The egg hunt was massive and there were hundreds of kids for thousands of eggs. We then hit the beach for a little more fun in the sun and when everyone was worn out - we headed home. All the kids had a great time and did amazing with no naps!!
Sunday we woke up, had some small Easter baskets (I didn't feel the need to do a lot of candy or cheap toys so my kids got bubble bath, colors for the bath tub, books and animals to add to our collection. I did give the older girls one chocolate bunny but it remains to be seen if I will actually allow them to eat it). Anyways, we then all got dressed and went to church and lasted about 45 min. - it is hard with 3 kids to get them to sit through a 45 min sermon
but they did pretty good. We then got home and the kids played and Gordon did a LOT of yard work. The main accomplishment is that we got the trampoline in its' new permanent home! It is no longer sitting in the middle of the yard - we had forgotten how big our yard is! After naps, the Bigler side of the family came over and we had a yummy dinner, egg hunt and just a fun time hanging out. The girls were on a Easter high for sure. The best part of the day was when Gabby found the Golden Egg and got the prize, when she opened it and it was the movie Frozen - her pure excitement was worth it. Nothing warms a mothers heart like seeing their child truly excited about something. Often times the gifts we get our kids are not the ones that they find exciting but this one, I got right and that was really the only "Easter" gift I got my kids and I felt that I did just enough without losing the reason for the holiday and without buying a bunch of toys that the girls do not need.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Look Who's a Big Girl
I love this picture. Maddy is doing great. She went back to the doctor today and ears and chest are clear! She does have several teeth about to pop out so that could be why she has not been sleeping well but her mouth hurts! She is loving the warmer weather and playing outside with her sisters. She is on the little car - which I cannot believe still makes sounds! She can push herself around and loves to push buttons. She has been hanging in the swing a lot and crawling all over the grass. She is such a happy girl and her hair is getting long enough that I need to pull it back (or up) - or it is in her eyes! Hard to believe she is almost a year...time flies.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Prelude to Summer
We had a wonderful weekend with lots of playing! On Saturday we had a nice family walk/bike-ride and then hit the indoor pool. Gabby is doing awesome with her swimming and is a fish! Lilly....not as comfortable in the water. Likes to play with it but not as excited about swimming in it yet. On Sunday morning we fed Aunt Susan's dogs and then hit the park. The spontaneous park sessions are the best - until the potty needs call and there is NO bathroom at this park. I think that is forbidden with new parks these days - but it is true, this park does not have a bathroom so we made a mad dash home and dad came to the park rescue. Lilly hopped in the bike trailer and Gabby on her bike and they went back to the local park and then over to the clubhouse for ice and soccer on the clubhouse grass. After nap time, both girls hopped into our pool! I couldn't believe it. It is cold and I have no interest in getting in, but they did! We are gearing up for summer...I am fearful that it is going to be a long and hot summer :(
Maddy is enjoying crawling everywhere. She is getting really fast and is very good at cruising. Not much interest in walking yet, but that's OK with me...they all come to do it at their own time. Lilly has gone a week without any accidents so I think we are making great progress in that department. I have to remind myself that she is only 28 mos! We forget and treat her like she is 3...she is in a mommy phase right now and it is wonderful and challenging at the same time because she wants mom to hold her ALL the time :)
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Easter Parade 2014
Today was the Easter Parade at LRSH. Both girls have been singing their songs for the last week. I'm not sure how much singing Lillian did....but she was an excellent hopper. Gabby did a great job and has a flare for the dramatic! Easter is a favorite holiday around the Bigler house.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Garduation Photo Day
Monday, April 7, 2014
Tinkerbell and Perriwinkle
My sister gave my girls wings yesterday which was very fitting as they have been watching Tinkerbell in the car - don't judge that I let me kids watch movies in the car...peace and quiet some times is worth it! Anyways, all afternoon they ran around outside with their wings on. They even dressed in their colors (but this is the 4th outfit of the day so I missed a picture with that outfit on). It is nice that the girls play together...even though there is a lot of crying by Lilly because she thinks EVERYTHING is "mine" and is not really into sharing. There is no choice but I must say, Gabby is the most patient and understanding older sister that I have ever seen.
Werdel Easter Party
We had the Wedel Easter Party on Sunday. The girls had a wonderful time and as usual, it was a grand affair! We colored eggs in the moring which was an adventure to be sure! Lilly was singing at the top of her lungs as she stood on the train table and nap time was cut short...but it was worth it. All of the girls had a great time, got to see the Easter Bunny and hunt for eggs. Maddy at anything she could find and Lilly kept collecting and organizing her eggs. Gabby was on the look-out for the Golden Egg and we didn't find it this year, but there is always next year! She is growing up as there were no tears this year! It was beautiful weather and the girls had a great time. This is always such a fun event.
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