It may look hard to believe by looking at these pictures....but last week was a TOUGH week. It was one of those weeks that makes us stop and wonder how this will be in a couple of months!?!? It all started with an ear infection....Lilly had been yanking at her ears for a couple of days so I finally broke down and took her to the pediatrician. She gave me some antibiotics - but a step up from the standard amoxicillin. Well...Lilly immediately developed a yeast infection, diarrhea and threw up everywhere 2 out of the 4 times I gave it to her. So I said no more of that medicine. Called the Dr. and requested the basic amoxicillin. I got the yeast infection cleared up and thought we would be on the road to recovery...boy was I wrong. Lilly's stomach must have been so raw that she could not handle any more medicine because she got the worst case of diaper rash she has ever had and diarrhea that lasted for almost 4 days. When we couldn't keep anything in her, we decided to stop all medicine and went to the health food store and got the Garlic Oil. I believe it really helped - even though she smelled like a clove of garlic! The icing on the cake for poor Lilly is that she has 2 bottom molars breaking through. Her gums are swollen and very red and you can see the teeth breaking skin - she just must be in so much pain! So...needless to say, it was a challenging week with Lilly. Then - the flu started going around Gabby's class and sure enough, she woke up one night and had thrown up in the bathroom sink. We kept her home the next day but she appeared to be feeling well enough for school the next. We sent her and she promptly ate a green cupcake and proceeded to throw it up everywhere! So, Thursday Lilly was sent home from school with diarrhea and Gabby was sent home throwing up. Which meant both girls could not go to school on Friday. Thank goodness the weather has been beautiful. I loaded the girls into the stroller and we walked to the park - just to get out of the house and to enjoy the sun. Something about swings and slides that makes little ones smile :)
Lilly has recovered but has entered the "Mommy" stage. She is also extremely independent and is developing a strong point of view on certain things. For example: she will stand at the refrigerator and tell us she wants food, go to her high chair when she wants to eat, she sits on her bike when she wants to go for a bike ride around the block and let's us know that she wants to read a book. She is starting to talk more and more and has a couple of words - definetly says "duck", "cow", "thank you" (when she hands you something), "Gabby", and "that". Lilly chases her sister around the playground and really enjoys the slides. She has started to only want to eat food that is on our plates so we are it is with kids!
Gabby is back to her self this morning and is a great animal doctor. She LOVES Doc MucStuffins right now and we have seen them all! She walks around doctoring us, her animals and anything she can! It is too cute.
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