Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lillian Turns 1!

It is now official....Lillian is 1 year old today! I know everyone says this but honestly the last year has flown by. I remember having Lilly and the joy of bringing her home for the holidays like it was yesterday, has it really been a year? Lilly had a rough morning and did not want to smile but she looked very cute in her new outfit. Hopefully I'll snap a few tonight when she's in a better mood...

Lilly is teething and so she just is a little cranky. We feel very blessed at the holiday time. We have 2 beautiful daughters and they are all healthy (for the most part - I don't think Strep throat or colds count) and they are happy most of the time. I love my little Lillybug and am excited to see what the next year holds. She is a pure delight and we love her dearly.

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