Monday, December 17, 2012

2012 LRSH Christmas Program

This year Gabby is in room 2 and her class sang "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". Gabby was the person selected to say the introduction and she did a GREAT job! She has no problem talking in front of a crowd :) She was a fabulous singer and despite having a cough - was one of the only kids that remembered all the hand gestures. The video is too long to post so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Here are a couple pictures from after the program. Gabby got to wear her new fancy dress and I learned my lesson last year and changed her right after the program!!! That way nice clothes stay nice. She was a little difficult when it came to taking pictues but we were the only ones in her room doing pictures and she had a huge chocolate brownie waiting for her at her chair.

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