Monday, January 19, 2015

Catching up....

Time goes by so fast...A couple of weekends ago Gabby went for a hike with her friends Sabir and Scarlett out at Hart Park.  They were looking for fun things and ran into a bobcat!  Thank you to Kim for taking Gabby while I got some work done at the house and glad that the munchkins got to run around together.  Lilly has been making sand soup in the back yard and takes it very serious. Maddy has been officially become a toddler!  She had a good time at John's Incredible Pizza and loved riding the mini-carousal.  She is also enjoying going to storytime with Cheyenne. Gabby is once again taking ballet and loves it.  Every Friday she makes sure to remind me to pack her I would forget!  Lilly and Gabby area also taking swim lessons on Wednesdays and are really enjoying that as well.  Lilly is doing flips in gymnastics - why am I not surprised that she loves this as well??



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