Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Love my Girls

The other evening we let the girls have a cartoon before bed. It was so cute to see all three of them sitting together peacefully.  Maddy hangs with the big girls so well and is quickly movnig into the full-fledged toddler phase.  As I took this picture, I had a moment of reflection. When I was pregnant with Maddy, I wanted a healthy baby but if I was given a preference, I thought I wanted a boy. I thought since this was our last baby, it would be fun to change it up (since we had 2 wonderful girls).  I also had thought around having a boy to carry on the Bigler name, having a boy so I experienced "boy" things and so that Gordon got to as well, and the list goes on. Well, I didn't have a choice and was given a beautiful girl.  I love her dearly, as I love all my girls and as I see them all interact and get to know each other, I am so happy that I have three beautiful, smart and funny girls.  I wouldn't trade them for anything!  Funny how time can change our persepective and make us see things different. I love my girls and know that they will come to learn how lucky they are to have each other as sisters and as friends. 

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