Friday, August 29, 2014

Catching up on this Week

What a fun week we have had. Lilly wore a purple dress to school - I was thrilled she would try something different for a change (the pink dress is just about worn out!). She loved the pockets and thought she was a princess. She is very fashion forward as pockets are now the rage!
Gabby had her first Jazz/Hip Hop dance class. I caught her mid-action but I did capture her departure to class. It was a mixed bag. The moves are fast and it is hard for Gabby to see the small movements but it is great to push her and have her learn some new movements. She ws upset because she felt left out that the younger two girls and I had dinner without her and that our walk around the block sounded like more fun than her dance class....but overall - it was a good experience.
Maddy has been changing by leaps and bounds. She is turning into a little girl!! Her hair is getting long, her coordination is getting better and she is talking more and more. She is a verbal child and LOVES to hang out with her sisters at all times. She is enjoying Cheyenne (her new nanny) and they go on a walk/bike ride every morning. It turns out to be more of a walk as she insists on pushing the bike and will "freeze" you if you touch it (Lilly has started "freezing" people like Princess Else. When she gets angry, she will freeze you so you stay back....). All the girls have enjoyed playing with the cones. Maddy likes to stack and restack them. Lilly likes to organize them by color and Gabby and I love to race around them. Lately in the evenings we have been having family time outside and doing wheelbarrow races, sommersaults, hand stands (I even did has been a very long time since I have tried to do things like this!), trampoline jumping, racing around cones, jumping jacks, touch touches, push-ups, and TENNIS! We took the girls down to the courts last night and let them hit some balls. Lilly won't let us help at all....but Gabby is able to bounce the ball and hit it with a racket - we are thrilled and so is she! Maddy just chases balls around the court, tries to avoid Lilly's swinging racket and munches on ice.

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