Monday, May 19, 2014

One of the Animals at our House

A few fun pics from the weekend. Maddy and I were playing with our animal collection and she decided it was funny to sit in the box with the animals - I guess she is used to living amongst them :) Madeline got a water table for her birthday but all the kids are enjoying it. Lilly was playing out in it the other day and a it was too funny to watch her fight with a bee. The bee kept buzzing around her and the table and she was trying to gt him with a plastic straw. The pictures don't show it as well but it was hillarious. Last picture is of Maddy eating dinner yesterday. She is small but eats pretty good food. She is really enjoying her brocoli and avocadoes. She eats a lot of strawberries and blueberries as well. She us getting pretty good with the fork and tries to use it to pick up her food.  She is practicing standing without holding onto anything and thinks it is fun to roll around on the bed and couch.

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