Monday, February 17, 2014

Swingers & Sisterly Love

Here are our happy girls. They love to swing and since we have had great weather the last couple of days....they have been doing a lot of swinging!  We had to get the other baby swing up and ready for Maddy as she has decided hanging in the swing is pretty fun - and relaxing. She is getting better about wearing her glasses so that is good. It is funny that Lilly wants the white glasses. She also wants to ride the white horse...maybe some day!  The girls have been sick for the last 3 weeks. As anyone with kids knows - when they are sick, life is miserable. We have stayed put for the last couple of weekends trying to get the girls healthy and by 10:00am on Saturday - we are about ready to pull our hair out because the girls just need to "go"! I caught this sweet picture of the girls together watching a cartoon this weekend. Gabby and Lilly torment each other constantly and we are playing referee frequently but there are also these moments. These moments remind you that they really love each other and life would be so boring if they didn't have each other to torment or play with.

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