Saturday, August 10, 2013

Last Blast of Summer

We thought that since we had such a good trip to San Diego the first time that we would try it again for our last vacation before I head back to work. We had a fabulous trip. The zoo is always a wonderful experience. We took our first Skyfari ride, had a great Rhino sighting, best Zebra stop and a pretty good Panda. There was a lot of beach this trip and I didn't get one picture....the Rocket Sled was out in full force and was going very fast. Gabby is truly a natural in the water. Lilly is still getting used to the feeling of the sand under her feet and the waves. Maddy slept through most of it but loves the bjorn which is good for us! We also went to the Del Mar Races this trip and the girls had a great time. Lilly was running on fumes and got frustrated that she couldn't ride the horses....but we did it and it was fun. 

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