Friday, January 11, 2013

Lillian LOVES Books

This should not come as any surprise but Lilly loves books - just as Gabby does. The only thing is that right now, she only likes 3 books - Brown Bear, The Very Busy Spider and Barnyard Dance. We have read those 3 books so many times in the last couple of weeks that I think we know them all by heart. Gabby even knows them all by heart. There are a couple of other books Lilly enjoys but right now, those are the favorites.

Lilly has been watching Gabby jumping off the furniture and so thinks it is funny to walk over to the mat (we have a soft mat that we pull out for the kids to play on) and fall face down on it. She also really enjoys crawling and climbing on Gordon while he lays on the ground. I call him the human jungle-gym.

This is a video of her taking a couple steps from last week. She is really good at walking while I hold one hand - still working on the no-hand part. She is doing great and had her 1-yr check up last week. She was in the 56% for height, 18% for head and weighed just over 19lbs (I think it was in the 16th percentile). She is on track and doing great. She is starting to talk and trying to form words. She has figured out all the cabinets, where the pots and pans are and LOVES to sit in front of the open fridge, pull out the apple drawer and munch on a whole apple. So...if you come over to our house and I offer you an apple with a couple bites taken out of it - you will know why :)

Lilly got a little riding car for Christmas and that is her favorite toy. The only problem is that her legs don't quite touch the hard floors so we still have to push her around the house. Soon she will get it - she can get on and off the car just fine. We have also moved her onto a tricycle! We took her around the block twice (which is a mile) and she loved it. She held on to the handle bars and just rode that bike like a pro.

Gabby continues to be a joy and a great older sister. She is all girl...two nights ago she got up a couple of times during the night. We are trying to decide if she needs more physical activity during the day (and are considering soccer or gymnastics) or if it was the rain that made her wake up. Needless to say, at 6am when we came downstairs, she had already changed into her 2nd pair of pajamas, put on her lip gloss, her necklace, bracelet, was reading her ipad to her animals and had all of her horses out of the barn! I have no idea if she went back to sleep after she was up at 4:30 - my guess is no. So I tell you this story because last night as I put her to bed, I told her that if she got out of bed before 6am or changed her PJ's that I would get to pick out her clothes for school - that was enough to make her do both! Too funny.

We are working on Gabby's writing and are making strides. She does a pretty good job of writing her name (first and last). She has the ipad figured out and we have to be careful because she just downloads books and stories on her own!

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