Monday, June 29, 2015

Adventure to the California Science Center to see the Endeavour this Weekend

They wouldn't pose for me because they kept saying they just loved each other too much - I guess there are worse problems to have!

All three girls had braids today! Lilly usually doesn't let me put her hair up but today she did - and then Maddy wanted the same thing.

Fascinated by the toilet!


Science of waves and a pretty cool touch tank/marine life area.

Looking at how rivers work.

The Snowmobile was a big hit with all the girls.

Ice wall

In front of the building - the girls loved the colors.
And then we came home and needed to cool off in the pool!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Adventures over the Weekend - Ballet, Camp Outs, Play Dates and Lobster

True to Bigler style...we had a fun and full weekend.  Friday night started off with lots of good finger painting (body painting) and then a late pool session.  Saturday morning I got to play tennis for an hour and when I came home, Gabby had put make-up on Lilly with markers! We hit the gym and then when we got home, it was time for Gabby's recital.  Hair, make-up and costume...takes longer than one would think! She did a great job and has decided that she really likes ballet and would like to continue dancing!  This year she was in the actual ballet which was Babes in Toyland. She was a China Doll. She wanted a longer part and I told her that the older she got and the more experience she had, the longer her part would be. She is so excited for the potential. After the recital, we hurried home and had the Kandel's over for a swim play date. The girls swam for 2 straight hours and had a blast! They also did a little finger painting :)  Saturday night, we did a girls only camp-out in the backyard. Lilly decided about 10pm that she didn't like the dark and the noises and went inside to her bed. Maddy and Gabby stuck it out in the tent with me. It was not my best night sleep...and the morning started at 5:15 (once it is light) so Sunday was a long day!  We had a full Sunday with a bike ride to the park, then to Reagan school, then we went to the clubhouse and had an impromptu swim play date with the Klassen's. The girls swam for another 2 hours and had a picnic at the pool.  Nap time came and went really fast! We then made a special dinner for Father's Day which was lobster.  The girls tried the lobster - I wouldn't say they liked it, but our rule is to at least try something new.  It was a great weekend and we welcome the week that provides a little more structure.  Gabby is back at math and reading camp (she loves to help pack her lunch in the mornings), Lilly is at LRSH and Maddy has had several babysitters and is enjoying the variety (while Cheyenne is on vacation).  All in a weekend at the Biglers...



Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fun Summer Days

Summer is in full swing at the Bigler house.  We are hitting the beach and enjoying the warm (hot) nights.  Last weekend we went to Ventura and it was pretty chilly so after 2 hours at the beach, we decided to head home.  On the way home, we stopped at the water park in Ventura - the girls loved it! Gabby said she could stay all day there...and I'm pretty sure she could. They had 2 very tall water slides, a fun water park and a nice pool. It was perfect. 
We have also had a few other things going on.  Gabby has had 4 dance rehearsals in a week preparing for her ballet performance of Toy Dolls.  She is ready! I am ready! She is also in Reading Camp and Math Camp along with swim lessons - yesterday I had Cheyenne take the girls for an ice cream treat...I think they enjoyed it!
Other big news...we finally painted the girls bathroom and got rid of the red paint that I wished I had not picked.  We went with gray.  The girls were so excited and LOVED getting to help paint the walls.  I hope that I made it clear that this was the only time they got to paint on the walls!!! Well, until next time, that is about all I have. We are enjoying late nights at the pool, Maddy is loving the water and has no fear.  The girls love riding their bikes to the clubhouse and playing in that pool...every once in a while we have some friends there as well which makes it fun. It is fun but the 100+ weather is tough day in and day out.  Until next time..


Monday, June 8, 2015

Baking Camp

Gabby is doing Baking Camp this week.  Today was fruit tarts.  She loved the change of pace and the yummy treats.  She is growing up fast...

Fun Day at the Farm

We had a fun day at the farm this weekend.  The girls LOVED playing with the kittens and then we went over to Kernville for lunch and ice cream.  So hard to get 3 girls to look at the camera all at the same time :) Love my girls.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

So Proud of Lilly

Lilly started Room 2 yesterday and they assessed her reading and she is ready to start the A Book!! We are so proud of our Lillybug and all that she can do.  She beats to her own drum and her laugh is so pure - beautiful.

Summer Fun

LRSH had an in-service on Friday so the girls hung at home with some friends and had a swim date!

Maddy's 2-Year Check-up

Maddy had her 2-year check-up on Friday.  She was so excited to get a shot...but didn't care for them afterward! She has made it to the 38% for weight and 60% for height.  We came away with a clean bill of health and it is hard to believe that she is 2!!