Thursday, April 29, 2010

After the Juice

Gabby was the life of the OR!

These are the last pictures of Gabby "pre-surgery". Surgery went perfectly. Her eye pressure is 15 & 18 - normal!!! We made it past surgery day and we are on to recovery mode. No outside sunlight for a week - this will test our creativity!

Surgery Day

This video is before the "funny juice".

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Podcast: Treatment for Congenital Nystagmus

This is a video of one of the surgeries that Gabby is going to have tomorrow. It is very detailed.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gabby with blocks

This is a picture of Gabby in her pretty new pink dress from Grandma Debi - she loved the ruffles and kept pulling it up....

A few fun videos

These are from this morning. I know the quality is not too good but....hope you enjoy. Gabby is very active and talking (not quite sure what she is saying all the time) a lot. We are learning that she does not understand the meaning of no - she thinks that because she is cute and says "no, no, no" that she can get away with anything....Oh she is just a little spoiled!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

rhythmic gymnastics ???

This is from the yesterday morning - it is fun to watch.

Gabby in her Easter Dress

All of these pictures are from Easter Sunday....

I have tried to upload the video I have of Gabby hunting Easter eggs in our living room but it is too big. So, a picture of her in her Easter dress will have to do. She had a wonderful Easter and it turned out to be a beautiful day. Gabby is holding her pajamas because she is a big girl now and helps me put her clothes away. She is teething and her hands are constantly in her mouth.
There is another picture of her favorite Easter bunny, Peter....he was played at least a 100 times in the last week!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Surgery Day Postponed

Well, we had to postpone Gabby's surgery. Our best efforts to get her healthy almost worked! We went in today for her surgery but after 1 hour of observation, the doctor felt that we should wait a little longer and make sure her cough is gone. They sent us to the pediatrician just so we can "make sure" to do everything we can to get rid of it. So we now have an inhaler and antibiotics... She was a trooper through it all and amazed Dr. Granet with how well she navigated the surgery room.
Gabby has had a lot of fun doing Easter Egg Hunts in the living room with Grandmother Ann. She finds all the eggs and puts them in her Easter long as she is not distracted and dancing to Peter Rabbit.